

One summer night out walking, I met a toad
Just dozzying along not hurrying, or hurting 
paid no attention to me.
I looked it up later, and discovered a toad is a good omen;
a sign of good fortune
bodes well for a human to bump in to a toad.
I wrote a poem to mark the occasion 
And I’m telling it now again for no reason

Ode to a Toad

I saw a toad on the road
and I wondered what does this bode?
He weren't carrying any load
in the moonlight his bumps glowed
hopped away when I strode
too close. I followed
as he tiptoed ‘cross the road
then slowed, overshadowed
to and froed, then tally-hoed
down the road in a hoboed mode.
I felt sorrowed as the moonlight
bestowed one last geckoed glimpse
so I wrote this ode...

January 2019

write a poem that centers around an encounter or relationship between two people (or things) that shouldn’t really have ever met – whether due to time, space, age, the differences in their nature, or for any other reason.


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