I dreamed I (almost) kissed Brad Pitt

 It seems dreams are an opportunity for fantastical thinking. 

Just last night I dreamed I was travelling down a strange highway through bizarre scenery; time lapsed, like in an old movie picture screening, where the projector breaks down part way through, and picks up again somewhere else entirely new. 

In my dream the road was long and treacherous, and blocked by obstacles. A runaway logging truck overturned, just missing me. There was a detour through an underground passageway.

And on, and on… On the brink of another disaster, I run into Brad Pitt at a skating rink and ask him for a kiss, and he complies (to my surprise). But I don’t get to see the end of the clip, ‘cause once again the film rips, and I am suddenly outside, at a bus stop, waving goodbye.

write a surreal prose poem


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