Spoon River monologue - A variation - Rule of Thumb


They say it was a sad day

when I passed away.

But I don’t recall

feeling sad at all.

My old man was abusive,

my children were cruel.

I cared for them

the best I could.

I was famous in the neighbourhood 

for cakes and cookies,

I’d send to school.

But my old man was mean,

as I said.

And I would have hell to pay,

when he came home late,

in a foul mood.

(and demand his food)

The last time, he hit me with a stick.

And that was it—

A stick no wider than his thumb

(he wasn’t dumb, he knew the rule,

he was nobody’s fool)

When the coroner’s court held a hearing

he got off Scott free

For killing me!

It was the way in those days.

He hasn’t come around

since they put me in the ground.

He’s drowned himself in booze,

and the children roam loose

all over town.

And me? I’m free

of all that now.


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