Fishing on Loredo Sound by Jack Burroughs 1924-1983

 Oh how I long for the Sound of Loredo

Near the end of April, or the first part of May.

My old fishing buddies, that is where they go;

To Aristabel Island and Kitasu Bay.

There’s Keith, and Chuck, and Rosalie Pete,

Wayne, Sparky, John, and Dennis to meet.

Now they are not rich, and famous and all,

But if I was in trouble, they’re the ones I would call.

It’s a wonderful feeling to get under way.

First trip of the season, what a glorious day.

Across Queen Charlotte, up Fitz Hugh Sound.

Along with the geese, we are northern bound.

But when we arrive, we hear to our sorrow

No salmon today, maybe tomorrow.

But they finally come, and they’re big and they’re mean.

The wildest spring salmon that you’ve ever seen.

Everyone’s laughing, Boy this is the life;

We’ll keep the banker happy, and also the wife.

Now what I like to hear, when the weather is tough;

“Let’s head for the bay boys, the sea is too rough”.

Put the spoons in the bucket, and coil the lines neat.

Last one in the bay has got dirty feet.

Down with the anchors, and all tie together;

A good day to visit, you can’t buck the weather.

Along with the whiskey, there’s stories, and lies.

Believe half of what you hear, is a word to the wise.

Now, they won’t agree, but I’ve got to tell;

That I am the champ at a game called ‘Oh Hell’.

When it’s dinner time, will it be clam stew,

And maybe Chuck’s famous Goose Ragout.

The barbecued salmon always tastes fine;

With fried abalone, and Gala Keg wine.

And after the feast you hear someone say;

“What are the poor people doing today”.

When the party is over, it’s early to bed.

There’s salmon to catch; a big day ahead.

We are up before daylight, and fishing before dawn.

But after the blow, the fish are all gone.

So the trip is over, and it’s time to go.

We will fill the boat next time; you never know.

Now this may sound good, but the part I like best

Is heading home, to the wife, and the rest.

So, I hope to be on the Sound of Loredo,

Near the end of April, or the first part of May.

Along with my buddies, if that is where they go;

To Aristabel Island and Kitasu Bay.

- in memoria


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