I was helping the Goddess Flora count flowers that are blooming today the last day of April. There are so many! Start with white she ordered White was easy. The white cherry blossoms falling like snow And the wild English daisies so plentiful Another white the wild strawberry running and the occasional white bells of bluebells (alba) rare, how did that get there Same with the forget me nots usually blue hued there were more white flowers than stars in the sky. That’s enough for today said the Goddess of flowers She could see I was tired We’ll come back tomorrow and start with the yellow. Two for one today… Late Muses As April poetry came to a close I was visited by the Muses The Goddesses! Minerva, and Calliope What took you so long to get here my dears I could have used you earlier Thankfully I had my old friend Flora to show me Spring’s sweet offerings— Timing is everything. write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a charact...